The aim of Rolf Luft Foundation for Diabetes Research is:
Please donate now! By giving a donation to Rolf Luft Foundation for Diabetes Research you support the important research of Diabetes and it's complications. Bankgiro 5799-9559
Oganisation Registration Number 802424-6285 Donations from other parts of the world is thankfully received to our international bank account: Name of Bank: Handelsbanken BIC/IBAN: HANDSESS / SE18 6000 0000 0003 4298 7658
Other ways to contribute to the Research of Diabetes:
Donations from other parts of the world is thankfully received to our international bank account: Name of Bank: Handelsbanken BIC/IBAN: HANDSESS / SE18 6000 0000 0003 4298 7658 Further information
Do you have questions concerning inheritance and donations? Please contact the Rolf Luft Foundation for Diabetes Research,
Address: The Rolf Luft Foundation for Diabetes Research Sonja Kovalevskys gata 2, 113 66 Stockholm Sweden